2024 / 06 / 11

How Many Bottles of Sparkling Water Per 60L CO2 Carbonator?

The convenience of home soda makers has revolutionized the way we enjoy bubbly beverages. With a sparkling water maker and a CO2 carbonator, you can transform tap water into refreshing sparkling water in seconds. But how long does a CO2 canister actually last? This article dives into the question of how many bottles of sparkling water you can expect to make with a typical 60L CO2 carbonator.

Understanding the 60L Capacity

If you’re looking at a CO2 carbonator for your sparkling water maker, you’ll likely see a specification that mentions “60L.” This number might seem straightforward at first, but it’s important to understand what it truly represents. The 60L on a CO2 carbonator doesn’t indicate the actual volume of CO2 gas contained within the cylinder. Instead, it signifies the estimated total volume of carbonated beverage the CO2 can potentially create.

Think of it this way: the 60L refers to the final product – the sparkling water. The CO2 gas itself is compressed within the canister at a much higher pressure, and the actual volume of CO2 is significantly less than 60 liters.

Factors Affecting Bottle Count

Now that we’ve clarified the meaning of the 60L capacity, let’s delve into the factors that influence how many bottles of sparkling water you can create with a single CO2 carbonator.

  • Desired Carbonation Level: The amount of CO2 you use per bottle directly impacts the final level of fizz. If you prefer intensely bubbly water, you’ll naturally use more CO2 per bottle, resulting in fewer total bottles from a single canister. Conversely, opting for a lighter level of carbonation will extend the life of your CO2 supply and allow you to carbonate more bottles.
  • Size of the Sparkling Water Bottle: The size of the bottle you use plays a crucial role. A standard 60L CO2 carbonator is designed to carbonate reusable bottles that typically come with your sparkling water maker. These bottles often range from 1 liter to 1.5 liters in capacity. Naturally, a larger bottle (e.g., 1.5L) will require more CO2 to achieve the desired level of carbonation compared to a smaller bottle (e.g., 1L).
  • Frequency of Use: How often you use your sparkling water maker also impacts the CO2 consumption per bottle. If you carbonate water frequently throughout the day, you’ll likely use smaller bursts of CO2 each time. This can lead to a slightly higher CO2 usage per bottle compared to someone who carbonates water in larger batches, less frequently.
  • Brand and Model Variations: While most 60L CO2 carbonators function similarly, there might be slight variations in efficiency between different brands and models. These variations are typically minimal, but it’s worth considering if you’re looking to maximize the number of bottles per canister.

Estimated Bottle Yields

Given the factors mentioned above, it’s challenging to provide a definitive answer on the exact number of bottles you can create with a 60L CO2 carbonator. However, based on manufacturer claims and user experiences, you can expect a range of approximately 120 to 180 bottles of sparkling water per 60L CO2 canister. This assumes you’re using standard-sized reusable bottles (1L to 1.5L) and aiming for a moderate level of carbonation.

Here’s a breakdown for illustration purposes:

  • 1 Liter Bottles: With a focus on moderate carbonation and using standard 1-liter bottles, you could potentially carbonate around 120 to 150 bottles with a single 60L CO2 canister.
  • 1.5 Liter Bottles: If you prefer 1.5-liter bottles, expect to create roughly 80 to 120 bottles per 60L CO2 canister, again with a focus on moderate carbonation.

Maximizing Bottle Yield from Your CO2 Canister

While the estimated range provides a general idea, there are ways to potentially squeeze out a few extra bottles from your 60L CO2 carbonator:

  • Use Cold Water: Chilling your water before carbonation improves CO2 absorption. Colder water absorbs CO2 more effectively, allowing you to achieve the desired level of fizz with potentially less CO2.
  • Follow Manufacturer Instructions: Sparkling water maker manufacturers typically provide specific guidelines on carbonation times based on bottle size and desired level of fizz. Sticking to these recommendations helps ensure optimal CO2 usage.
  • Consider Smaller Bottles: If you prioritize maximum fizz per bottle, using smaller reusable bottles (e.g., 500ml) can be a strategy. While you’ll carbonate fewer bottles overall, each smaller bottle will have a more intense level of fizz compared to using a larger bottle with the same amount of CO2.


The number of bottles you can create with a 60L CO2 carbonator depends on several factors, including your desired level of carbonation, bottle size, and frequency of use. While manufacturers provide estimates (around 120-180 bottles), the actual number can vary. By following the tips above, you can maximize your CO2 usage and enjoy the convenience of sparkling water at home. Remember to consider refill or exchange options and overall cost-effectiveness when choosing a CO2 carbonator for your sparkling water maker. With a little planning, you can make sparkling water a refreshing and cost-effective addition to your beverage routine.

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